How can my coaching benefit you?

So yesterday I launched my new website for my coaching business. This has been a long time coming. Over the past 18 months I’ve evolved, grown, taken detours and hopefully emerged a bit stronger and more confident in my beliefs.

I often speak to women about our need for perfection and how that manifests in our lives. Whether that’s at home when we have guests over and we desperately tidy up to portray an ‘Instagram’ ready kitchen, or at work with a project that just has to be perfect and we push ourselves to our maximum limits to achieve it, without any regard for our wellbeing.

And i’m no different. I really wanted it to be ‘perfect’. I simply couldn’t launch it if it wasn’t EXACTLY how it should be. However, I stopped myself in my tracks and told myself that it is really good for now. I know I can add, change or edit the text as I adapt and grow as a coach. My blog didn’t have to be ready, nor did a full events page have to be brimming with new workshops. But it took some acknowledgement to move past this until I named what was going on and also told myself what I HAVE achieved as opposed to what I HADN’T yet achieved. To be grateful that I had created a website to bring people to.

What comes hand-in-hand with our need for perfection is the fear of judgement and then that introduces our old but toxic friend, the imposter syndrome. Think we’re all resonating with this? It’s amazing how a simple website launch can trigger these feelings. I tell clients that the only person judging us, is ourselves. And the only people that matter are the people who are doing the supporting. I’ll talk about this in other posts as well as imposter syndrome. But essentially what I wanted to say, was that despite the fact that I know my website is work in progress and I can adapt and change it as I want, I’m also really excited and proud that I’ve done it and put it out there to the world and thanking Karen at With Passion & Purpose for all her amazing help.

With my coaching, I want to help women move past these feelings so they can be true to themselves and live their most authentic lives. Release the need for perfection and the fear of judgement and live the life you really deserve.If you are resonating with this, im happy to have a free, informal chat about how I can help you move forward.

Contact Kate


Finding Your Voice Workshop Series


My visit to Groobarb's Wild Farm