Setting yourself unrealistic expectations? Me too!

I don’t know about you but I’m often pretty hard on myself. I set myself unreal expectations and standards and berate myself for not achieving all the I needed in a day. After chatting to the lovely Alison at Simply Thrive Wellbeing yesterday we came to the conclusion that as women, unless we are really strict with our boundaries and letting go of things or people who don’t serve us properly anymore, burnout is inevitable.

Trying to be all things to all people, racing around like headless chickens and never saying no is a recipe for disaster. So after our chat yesterday, I went home and wrote a list of everything I wanted to achieve yesterday (bearing in mind my day finishes at 3.30 for school pick up). I then ticked what I knew was a REALISTIC possibility and parked the other jobs as things to do over the next few days.

It was pretty freeing to release myself from the shackles of having to power through lots of jobs that essentially would’ve wound me up like a corkscrew and in turn made me crabby for the rest of the afternoon with my kids. No one judged me, no told me I was a lay about or lazy. I watched how I spoke to myself and told myself I deserved to have some time and it wasn’t a marathon to achieve everything in one go. I even got the fishmonger to come to me instead going to the supermarket 🙌

Do you notice yourself doing this? During my Finding Your Voice workshop series I’ll be teaching you to ensure clear boundaries are met to enable you to thrive and succeed in both work and with your family. I use lots of writing exercises and reflection to really hone in on what can be changed for a calmer and stress-free way of living. Get in touch if you want to know more.


Tapping & EFT (emotional freedom technique)


Anyone for passion and purpose?