Emotional Freedom Technique

EFT is a practical self-help method that involves using the fingers to gently tap on the body's acupuncture points along the energy meridian lines of Chinese medicine. It is often referred to as ‘EFT Tapping’ or simply as ‘Tapping’. The therapeutic effects of this technique are recognised around the world. We can use EFT tapping for anxiety, weight loss issues, pain, stress and many other issues.

EFT Tapping helps us tune in to the negative patterns that we form around our uncomfortable thoughts, feelings, or troubling memories. We tap on the correct pressure points while bringing the thoughts or emotions into consciousness. The aim is to find relief, relaxation, and promote energy healing around the emotional or physical issues that hold us back.

I’m passionate about using tapping with my clients because it’s such an efficient and effective way of clearing negative blocks, releasing long-standing resistance to change and peels back layers of emotional baggage that prevents us from moving forwards.

Emotional Freedom Technique or Tapping is my favourite modality to use with my clients.

As an accredited EFT International Practitioner, I use EFT to help people begin their journey to healing deep-rooted pain and empowering them with the gift of forgiveness. So much of our pain can be released by forgiving either ourselves, another person/people or a situation. Once we commit to the process of forgiveness, compassion and empathy - we’re emotionally free enough to move forward and embrace what we want out of our lives.


Here’s a demo of why I believe EFT is so powerful and can help almost everyone.


If this sounds like something you’d benefit from or would simply like to discuss EFT coaching further, please drop me an email at katemoryoussef@gmail.com



I regularly get lots of feedback after my EFT coaching sessions, telling me how the tapping has helped. Here are just a few examples of messages or emails from my clients telling me how they feel after our sessions. To read more, click here:

“Thank you for guiding me through everything…I really feel that tapping has energetically started to shift and change things…Thank you for yesterday’s session - everything really helped.”


“I am feeling a lot clearer after our session it was really really helpful and inspiring actually….I found my counselling much easier too which felt like it was due to having opened up my own thoughts a bit more during our session, so thank you. I definitely felt the energy shift and had a big long nap after, which was really interesting.”

- David


“I just wanted to update you about the past week, which all in all have been pretty good. We went to a friend’s for a bbq on Saturday, usually, an event like this would have made me very nervous and I would have been feeling a weird achy feeling in my stomach all morning beforehand. This time I did feel a bit nervous early on, but I sat down for 5 mins and did some tapping on my hand while saying what I was feeling out loud, and it really helped the nervousness subside - it got me down to around a 3 from my usual 7/8 which felt really good.”

- Hanna